Home improvement loan simulation

  • Amount borrowed -
  • Duration - months
  • Fixed borrowing rate - %
  • APR* - %
  • Total amount to be reimbursed -
Your monthly payment: -
* The annual percentage rate of charge or APR is the interest rate which expresses, as an annual percentage, the total cost of the loan granted to the consumer. It can vary depending on the amount of the loan, the duration and the conditions of use or repayment of the loan. The annual percentage rate of charge is equal to the fixed annual borrowing rate. Subject to acceptance of your request and after signature of your installment loan contract

Representative example: Instalment loan for environmental works of €16,000, APR (Annual Percentage Rate) of 1.89% (fixed annual borrowing rate: 1.89%), monthly payment of €279.56 for 60 months.
Total amount due: €16,773.60

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